Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reaction paper about Blackfish documentary Essay

Reaction paper most B leave outfish documentary - Essay ExampleAs such, the theory postulates that crime and deviance occur because of the lack of adequate constraints. The lack of clear laws that govern the handling and use of wild animals is a fundamental figure that could have led to the criminal behavior of the management of SeaWorld.Orcas are dangerous animals belonging to the oceanic dolphinfish family. While dolphins are always friendly to humans, the animals are temperamental and their behaviors are always unpredictable. Killer colossus is among the largest of the family. They have teeth and are always aggressive especially when agitated. Additionally, the animals are large and travel for up to 160 kilometers in a day. The animals therefore require adequate space and depth to move and travel freely. The management of SeaWorld has do a number of decisions some of which may have led to the death of the threesome individuals killed by the killer whales. The need for increa sed profitability compelled the management to overlook the safety of the employees and freedom of the animals. Additionally, the squeeze to deliver is a fundamental determinant that could have compelled the trainer, Dawn Brancheau, to stress the animal thereby cause his death.Ever since the release of the Blackfish film, SeaWorld has promised to make a number of changes. On 13 May 2014, The fossil ran a story that explained the patch of a 103-year-old whale moving around the West Coast of Canada with her children and grandchildren. The spotting of the whale would cause problems for SeaWorld. The company had claimed that the life span of orca to be around 20 years. SeaWorld made such claims to justify the fact that most of their orcas die before reaching the age of 20 owe to the deplorable treatment and the environment in captivity. The company has since promised to increase the capacity of its tanks in order to can the animals with more spaceDespite the changes, the company pro mises

Compliance gaining strategies & reconciliation in romantic Research Paper

Compliance gaining strategies & expiation in romantic relationships - Research Paper ExampleAny person physically assaulted by the coadjutor in the relationship should report it and proper actions should be taken against the perpetrators.The situation at hand is that of a particular couple with constant problems the male partner results in physically assaulting his young ladyfriend claiming that she is disrespectful. The man has a very low opinion of the girlfriend he even cannot consider dialogue as a means of solving their problems. He considers her to be subordinate and, thus, she should comply with whatever he says. On the different hand, the lady feels humiliated, worthless, disrespected and despised (Rill, et al, 2009). So the woman succumbs to this and decides to do all the man desires in roll to nullify conflict and future assaults. In this case the woman has resigned and her self-esteem has been drawn from her. This condition is called a double-bind where cardinal is bound to do all that the other person desires.Given the scenario to a higher place, the man wants to be seen as the amount source of authority, he wants to feel respected and powerful. This might have emulated from the societys view of both genders for instance, in many societies men are viewed to be the decision makers while women are expected to be listeners (Knee, Patrick & Lonsbary, 2003). The girlfriend, on the other hand, does not want the relationship to end and can do anything in order to ensure it works out. Because she loves the man so much, they have been through a lot together and above all they have a child together, hence, she cannot imagine getting separated with him.To Rill et al (2009), cooperation is a strategy that is employed by the girlfriend in order to gain the confidence of her partner. In this case, the girl will try as much as she can to cooperate with her boyfriend and carry out his demands as he expects. This is because she thinks everything is going t o run smoothly due to the cooperation with her boyfriend, and all causes of conflict will be

Monday, April 29, 2019

Mental Health iIlness (DEMENTIA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Mental Health iIlness (DEMENTIA) - Essay ExampleSince impaired neurons atomic number 18 non capable of reproducing or renewing, the changes are irreversible, and any outcomes they produce are often irreversible (p. 118). Generally, it is not doable to halt the progression of the illness, because no cure is available. Hence the condition could affect other nerve cells, late but unavoidably resulting in the behavioural disorders and incapacities called hallucination (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 1-2). The outcomes could be illustrated as an organised deterioration of the mentality through which the individual becomes more than and more helpless, insecure, difficult, unaware, and inadequate. With an aging population that is drastically enlarging, there is the akinlihood that alienation will become massively prevalent in the 21st century. Dementia An Overview Dementia is defined by the World Health Organisation as (Curran & Wattis 2004, 10) A syndrome due to disease of the brain, n ormally of a chronic or progressive nature, in which there is legal injury of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, talking to and judgment. Consciousness is not clouded. The cognitive impairments are commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded, by deterioration in ablaze control, social behaviour, or motivation. Hence this illness has implications for the capacity of individuals to deal with facets of their day-to-day lives to their prior capabilities. Commonplace tasks like taking a bath, dressing, going to work, leisure, and building and maintaining relationships become more and more taxing. If the individual endures dementia for a long time it could become painfully difficult for him/her to perform such tasks by themselves or to promulgate or express needs clearly and intelligibly (Judd 2011, 89). The nature of dementia is that it is an accelerating condition signs become more evident and impinge on the persons life on a greater extent, sort of or later spreading through all parts. Signs and Symptoms Loss of memory is dementias most common symptom. There are those who fail to remember the names, or even faces, of people they have been introduce to for a long time, or lose their way in long known places. There are those who have obsessed or paranoid delusions about the people around them (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 3). Numerous have abrupt, foamy loss of weight. When such diagnoses do not disable function or ability, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is detected (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 3). According to Levine (2006, 29), roughly 20% of individuals with MCI progress to dementia as these cognitive disorders affect everyday activities and function. Psychiatric signs and symptoms (e.g. depression, psychosis) were identified as major features of dementia since 1907. In spite of this finding, emphasis during the earlier decades has usually focused exclusively on memo ry deficits and other cognitive areas that have been drawn on to account dementias clinical symptoms (Budson & Kowall 2011, 113). The scientific value and extensive prevalence of other mental disorders in dementia are currently the focus of numerous specialists and researchers. According to some findings, the pervasiveness of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia is

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Business Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business info Analysis - Essay ExampleThe distribution of gross revenue from each customer is analyzed to identify the around important customers. The counter times for various calls be analyzed to identify the number of employees that need to be kept. Based on the analysis done, it is evident that follow needs to analyze its performance with respect to quarter as well as profit center. The company needs to have 5 employees making gross revenue calls. At the same time, the company was able to identify the most advantageous customers on whom it needs to management on. Introduction Laurel McRae has recently joined Handy Hydraulics for data analysis and strategic planning. In order to analyze the performance of the sales of the organization, Laurel collected the data for the sales for third and fourth quarter of 1990 and first and second quarter of 1991. She also collected the data regarding the machines and the days when they are works and various alternatives to replace the ex isting system. Number of calls received per hour was collected to analyze the sales call being made and number of employees that shall be entrusted with the responsibility of handling calls. She also collected data regarding sales from each customer. This data enables Laurel find the companys most profi defer and least profi panel customers. ... answers Answer 1 a.) Histograms and relative frequency distributions of the companys mundane average order sizing for quarters 1 and 2 In the simplest of terms, histogram can be defined as a series of contiguous bars or rectangles representing frequency of the data in given intervals (Black, 2009). Histogram is a very usable tool to analyze the frequencies of different class interval. The daily average order size of it can be calculated as dividing the total sales by total orders. The table below shows the frequency table for the organizations daily average order size for Q1 and Q2 Range Frequency Q1 Frequency Q2 220 0 0 Table 1 The fre quency distribution table for daily average order size for Q1 and Q2 As can be seen from the table, majority of the frequency is concentrated towards the middle. The frequencies for Q1 as well as Q2 are 0 for all the intervals till the average order size of 59. While there is no daily average order size above 220 for Q1, there is no daily average order size above 200 for Q2. The best way to analyze this frequency distribution table is to analyze the histogram. The represent below shows the histogram for the companys daily average order size for Q1 and Q2 Figure 1 Histogram of companys daily average order size for Q1 and Q2 As can be seen from the graph, the frequency for some(prenominal) the seasons can be thought of following a normal curve. For Q2, the highest frequency is in the range of 100-119, eyepatch for Q1, the highest frequency is in the range of 120-139. b.) Quarterly charts for the companys total number of orders per day The table below shows the frequency distributio n for the total number of orders

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Concept of supply and demand; of antitrust laws and of labor unions Essay

Concept of issue and train of antitrust laws and of labor unions - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the presentation of the concept of preparation and demand. It has become one of the most important concepts in modern day economics. Indeed this concept stick out be summed up as the one in which, the producer of a commodity has a definite quantity for sale in the market and that quantity which consumers are ready to buy. As a bequeath of this, the demand for a particular commodity depends on a number of factors like the commodity price, associate commodity prices and also consumers buying power and choices. The supply of a particular commodity depends on a number of factors like the cost incurred in the production of that particular commodity, the price of related kinds of products and many separate factors. The concept of supply and demand is always existent and the markets main aim is to choose a form of stability and equilibrium between the demand as well as supp ly through the pricing of commodities. Antitrust Laws are special type of laws that have been created by the American governing body in order to prevent the formation of monopolies, which could otherwise result in unhealthy market competition. tbiddyce these are a set of Federal laws which can be applied in case of both businesses as well as individuals. The first Antitrust law in America was created in the category 1890. Thus this law ensures that, all the individuals and the various business establishments are given a fair deal, hen it comes to market competition and that no single company or individual gains an upper hand in business dealings unlawfully.